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Paypal Express Checkout – “Customer Email Required” Magento Issue

By September 6, 2013November 23rd, 2019No Comments

I have been working on a Magento project and stuck on this error for a long time, I have tried to find the solutions in magento commerce forum, was struggling into codes and nearly modified all the paypal express checkout whole code.

But after sometime I decided to check the the backend setting again. So I did checked and found the solutions to it. Basically its a logical error with simple option to check. Here is how you can get rid of this logical error.

Step 1 : Login to Dashboard

Step 2 : Go to System –> Configuration

Step 3 : on Left hand Navigation, click on  Sales –> Checkout

Step 4 : Allow Guest Checkout to “Yes”

Step 5 : Save


Basically its very simple but it did bugged me for quite some time, So I hope if you have such issues then this might help you.

If you have any Magento related queries, please email us at I would love to help you with solutions.